Forestry is an important part of Victoria’s economy.

It has historically provided jobs, income and timber products derived from native forests and plantations.

Native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests will end by 1 January 2024 with supports being brought forward and scaled up.

Plantation timber

Victoria has the biggest plantation estate in the country.

The 382,600 hectare plantation estate is made up of mainly Radiata Pine and Southern Blue Gum.

Plantation pine is used in residential and commercial construction as well as pulp and paper manufacturing.

More information on plantations.

Commercial native forest timber production

Native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests will end by 1 January 2024.

VicForests is the Victorian Government business that manages the harvest, sale and regrowing of timber from Victorian State Forests.

More information on commercial timber production from public forests.

Forest management

For more information, please visit Forests and Reserves.

Gippsland National Institute of Forest Products and Innovation (NIFPI)

The Gippsland National Institute of Forest Products and Innovation (NIFPI) was established in 2020 as a hub of expertise and collaboration across the forest industry.

Since July 2021, over $8.4 million has been granted for eleven research projects.

Under the first round of research project grants, six projects received grants totalling $3.96 million. The research is investigating the impacts of fire on the performance of timber projects, the smarter use of spatial information for forest management, improving commercialisation of manufactured timber products, feral animal management, and improvements to plantation productivity.

Five projects with a total value of $4.46 million were successful in the second round of research and development project grants, announced on 25 February 2022. The research grants are investigating opportunities such as remote-controlled pruning for improved fire management, productivity enhancing tree breeding, nursery management and soil research, and the commercial opportunities available for smaller diameter plantation logs in Gippsland.

The NIFPI receives administrative support from Forest and Wood Products Australia. It promotes cutting-edge research to secure investment and boost the sector and future jobs in Gippsland.

Page last updated: 14/11/23