Health and Medical Research Strategy: 2022-2032

Victoria’s health and medical research sector is one of the state’s most significant and productive industries. Every $1 invested in the sector generates $3.90 of activity in the economy.


The Health and Medical Research Strategy: 2022–2032 (the Strategy) provides a framework for Victorian activity and investment in health and medical research over the next ten years.

The Strategy focuses on four areas:

  1. Talent - A supported and skilled workforce is the backbone of health and medical research.
  2. Collaborate - Victoria’s world‑class medical research talent are supported by outstanding physical infrastructure and precincts including world‑class health care, research and educational facilities.
  3. Big Ideas - Globally, Victoria already has a track record for ground‑breaking medical research. Victoria is well‑placed to build on its reputation for discovering, trialling and developing the solutions to the world’s most pressing health problems.
  4. Generating Outcomes - Victoria is home to some of the best innovators, scientists, clinicians, and knowledge institutes in the world, producing ground‑breaking research with significant health and commercial potential.


The delivery of the Strategy will be implemented through targeted action plans and strategies — adapting to emerging priorities and opportunities over the next decade to enable planning and investment.

To ensure the Strategy is delivering on its aims of solving health challenges and advancing the Victorian economy, progress will be measured to inform future plans and actions.

Health and Medical Research Workforce Action Plan

The Health and Medical Research Workforce Action Plan is the first targeted action plan to be released under the Strategy.  Our vision is to build a collaborative, equitable and highly skilled health and medical research workforce to improve people’s health outcomes and drive economic growth in Victoria.


The action plan identifies the following key priorities:

  1. Embed Collaboration and Information - Embed collaboration and information availability across the sector to support understanding of workforce needs and skill gaps, and to enable the design of effective interventions.
  2. Attract and Retain Talent - Attract and retain more talent by raising Victoria’s profile as a world-class destination for medical research, building awareness of career pathways and addressing key barriers to working in the sector.
  3. Build Skills and Capability - Expand the skill base of the health and medical research workforce and address skill gaps, with a focus on programs that support emerging areas of opportunity and research translation and commercialisation.
  4. Drive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Promote and embed diversity, equity and inclusion across all areas of the Action Plan to ensure that the health and medical research workforce is representative of and responsive to the diverse needs of the Victorian community.

Health and Medical Research Strategy: 2022-2032

Health and Medical Research Strategy: 2022-2032

Health and Medical Research Strategy 2022-2032

[Health and Medical Research Strategy: 2022-2032]

[Text: Victoria’s thriving medical research community is solving global health challenges and advancing the Victorian economy. We have a 10-year vision that will continue to drive new medical discoveries and grow our capabilities]

[Vision: View of the Walter Eliza Hall Institute building]

[Text: National Drug Discovery Centre - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) - Victoria State Government]

Professor Doug Hilton - Director, WEHI

[Vision: View of Professor Doug Hilton and Samantha Chandler in the research laboratory with robotics and equipment]

The National Drug Discovery Centre enables us to take the wonderful discoveries that are made in laboratories around Victoria and start them on that translational journey to make a difference to people that are suffering from lots of different diseases in the community.

Samantha Chandler - WEHI Consumer Program and patient advocate

I think the NDDC has the potential to hugely change the lives of Victorian patients.

[Vision: View of staff members working in laboratory and testing samples]

The fact that drugs that don't exist now might be discovered tomorrow or in the near future really can make a difference to the lives of people suffering from diseases that are now terminal and that they don't really have any other treatment options for.

Professor Doug Hilton - Director, WEHI

[Vision: View of staff in the laboratory working with robotics]

When I think about Victorian medical research in 2022 compared with 10 years ago I think the main change is how collaborative it is.

[Vision: View of the Bionics Institute, St Vincent’s Hospital. View of equipment used for deep brain stimulation therapy]

Dr Matt Petoe - Senior Research Engineer, Bionics Institute

Many people with Parkinson's disease benefit from deep brain stimulation therapy but the surgery is challenging and the outcomes sometimes fall short of expectations.

[Vision: View of Dr Matt Petoe working at the Bionics Institute with modern technology. View of Dr Matt Petoe talking with Andrew Lindsay]

Researchers at the Bionics Institute recently discovered a unique electrical brain signal and we're using this to provide the best therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease.

Andrew Lindsay - Parkinson’s disease patient

It’s changed my life by improving the quality of life.

Prior to the surgery I was taking Parkinson's medication every three hours and since the surgery I'm taking no medication and have even completed a triathlon.

I think medical research is really important to patients like myself, gives you a sense of ownership over finding a solution for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

[Vision: View of the Royal Children’s Hospital building]

[Text: Generation Victoria (GenV), Murdoch Children’s Research Institute]

Professor Jim Buttery - University of Melbourne and GenV Researcher

GenV’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for Victorian researchers in partnership with families birthing in Victoria to create new knowledge that will improve health outcomes for years to come.

[Vision: Staff member at GenV working in the laboratory]

Will, Raquel and Rafferty Fitzpatrick - GenV family

We got attracted to the Generation Victoria Project for a couple of reasons.

I think firstly sort of the breadth of the initiative, and secondly the benefits of having the information available both to us and I guess future generations.

Professor Jim Buttery - University of Melbourne and GenV Researcher

[Vision: Staff member at GenV working on the computer and Professor Jim Buttery working with equipment in the laboratory]

In the next decade Victorian research will improve through the active participation of Victorian families as well as the ongoing revolution in information that will enable us not only to find better preventions but also better treatments.

[Vision: View of Will, Raquel and Rafferty Fitzpatrick at the institute]

We think medical research is critical, the more information you have on health conditions and how best to treat them and how best to prevent them can only benefit.

[Vision: View of the sky and clouds]

[Text: Together we will create a better and brighter future]

[Victoria State Government. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne]

Case studies

The Orygen redevelopment in Parkville is the home for the globally recognised National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health alongside specialist mental health service provider Orygen Youth Health.

Alongside clinical services, Orygen is a centre of research for health professionals in search of better treatment options for young people living with mental illness, and a training and education hub for workers in the mental health sector.

Winning top honours for Best Mental Health Design at the European Healthcare Design Awards (2019), over 140 young people were involved in consultations for the redevelopment, including current and former clients as well as young people from the wider community. Up to 5,000 young people each year will benefit from the centre.

You wouldn’t know it, but 1 in 12 Victorians has a rare disease, likely genetic in origin. Genomic sequencing analyses hundreds of genes at a time to diagnose these diseases and find treatments.

Brothers Clinton (16) and Daniel* (12) had been in and out of hospital all their lives, with debilitating bowel, respiratory and skin conditions. Genomic testing pinpointed the single genetic cause of their illness. Bone marrow transplants were then used to ‘reboot’ their immune systems, and the boys are now healthy teenagers.

Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance studies found that people who got a genomic test were eight times more likely to get a change in care. The Victorian Government’s investment in genomics will ensure more precise care for all Victorians who need it.

*Names changed to protect identities.

Page last updated: 17 December 2024