Approvals and investigations
Pipeline Consultation Plan
Construction and operation of the proposed pipeline for the CarbonNet Project requires regulatory approvals in accordance with the Pipelines Act 2005. CarbonNet will ensure compliance with all legislative requirements for the proposed pipeline.
The pipeline approval process commences with the submission and approval of a Pipeline Consultation Plan, followed by engagement with stakeholders, notices, and submission periods for the public to provide comment.
Read the CarbonNet consultation plan.
- Pipeline Consultation plan Pipeline Consultation plan (PDF 816.74 KB)
- Pipeline Consultation plan - accessible version Pipeline Consultation plan - accessible (DOCX 783.76 KB)
Investigations and offshore activities
The CarbonNet team has carried out multiple investigations and offshore activities to benchmark and validate the Pelican site and surrounding environment, including the ocean, marine life, earth, and air.
- December 2019-Jan 2020: Offshore appraisal well CarbonNet-Offshore-Appraisal-Well-information-sheet-November-2019.docx (DOCX 1946.21 KB) was drilled to obtain rock samples.
- July 2019: Geotechnical Survey CarbonNet-geophysical-and-geotechnical-investigations.docx (DOCX 466.72 KB)
- March 2019: Geophysical Survey CarbonNet-geophysical-and-geotechnical-investigations.docx (DOCX 466.72 KB)
- February - July 2018: Post-Marine Seismic Survey – Habitat Impact Assessment Pre-and-post-marine-seismic-survey-assessment-summary.docx (DOCX 1107.78 KB)
- February 2018: High-resolution nearshore 3D seismic survey Pre-and-post-marine-seismic-survey-assessment-summary.docx (DOCX 1107.78 KB)
- January 2018: Pre-Marine Seismic Survey – Habitat Impact Assessment Pelican-3D-marine-seismic-survey-factsheet-2017.docx (DOCX 400.9 KB)
- 2016 - 2019: The CO2CRC GipNet Research Initiative gathered benchmark air, water, and ground data from the coastal and marine environments
- March - July 2012: Hydrocarbon Survey
- November - December 2011: Airborne Gravity Survey.
CarbonNet reports
CarbonNet Project reports and associated documents are listed below.
Information about carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities worldwide, along with reports and publications about CCS can be found on the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute website.
Information about Victoria’s Otway Research Facility, which has stored more than 80,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide under Victoria’s Otways, can be found on the CO2CRC website
- The Carbonnet Project's Pelican storage site in the Gippsland Basin
- Carbonnet -The relative costs for providing a CCS transport and storage service
- The CarbonNet Project and its regulatory journey - An overview & key learnings
- Quantifying intraformational seal in a coal-rich sedimentary system
- Probabilistic approach to CO2 plume mapping for prospective storage sites: The CarbonNet experience
- The CarbonNet Project: Development of a CO2 specification for a CCS hub network
- GipNet – Baseline environmental data gathering and measurement technology validation for nearshore marine carbon storage
- Marine monitoring scoping study
- The CarbonNet Project: CarbonNet storage site selection and certification: challenges and successes
- The CarbonNet Project: Integrity of wells in the near-shore area Gippsland Basin Victoria
- The CarbonNet Project: 3D mapping and correlation of intraformational seals within the Latrobe Group in the nearshore Gippsland Basin
- The CarbonNet Project: Site characterisation for carbon storage in the near shore Gippsland Basin
- The CarbonNet Project: A historical perspective
- The CarbonNet Project: Developing a business model for a CCS hub network
- Near-shore aquifer modelling of CO2 geological storage in the Gippsland Basin
Page last updated: 25 November 2024