New clinical trials facility to prevent and cure blindness

Published: 22 May 2024

Group of Cerulea staffA new world-leading eye research centre is breaking ground on treatments for preventing and curing blindness, with support from the Victorian Government.

Celebrating World Clinical Trials Day, the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) opened the new Cerulea Clinical Trials centre in East Melbourne – a centre that is boosting the number of clinical trials of world-first treatments for eye disease.

With a $10 million investment from Breakthrough Victoria, Cerulea will give around 2500 patients per year access to new therapies over the next 10 years – and create around 50 new jobs.

The new facility provides state-of-the-art facilities to deliver innovative therapy trials and houses a modern, relaxing patient lounge for trial participants and their carers.

It will also include next-generation eye photography and imaging suites, vision lanes plus laser and treatment rooms in which therapies can be administered and monitored.

Running these life-changing research trials in Victoria contributes to our world-class medtech sector: the state carries out one-third of Australia’s clinical trials and government investment is further strengthening the clinical trial ecosystem.