Department overview
Policy framework
Learn about the policies administered by the department, including protected disclosures and Aboriginal inclusion.
Strategic plan
Read the department's strategic plan, which outlines how the department will contribute to growing Victoria’s prosperity, building the productive capacity of our economy, and increasing participation.
Our ministers and parliamentary secretaries
View the department's ministers and parliamentary secretaries, covering portfolios such as creative industries, employment and regional development.
Our secretary
Read about the department's secretary, Matt Carrick.
Organisation structure
See an overview of the department's structure, including the functions and contributions of each group.
Responsibilities and functions
Find out more about the department's emergency functions in the areas of small business, tourism, economic recovery and food and grocery supply logistics
Advisory bodies
Discover which ministerial advisory bodies report in to the department.
Grants, awards and scholarships
Apply for a grant, award or scholarship in areas including creative industries, regional development, small business and trade.
View the list of public consultations conducted by the department, which address issues in areas such as animal welfare, industrial relations and small business regulation.
Tenders, quotes and contracts
Learn about the Victorian Government Tenders System and view a list of the department's current tenders and contracts.
Strategies and initiatives
Discover the range of the department's strategies, programs and projects.
The economic assessment information portal
This Information Portal provides easy access to guidance on how to undertake an economic assessment for Victorian government departments, agencies and local government.