Outdoor recreation


The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) is an independent statutory authority established to effectively manage Victoria’s fisheries resources. The VFA works closely with many stakeholders to deliver three core outcomes: sustainable fishing and aquaculture, clear resource access and sharing arrangements, and increased economic, social and cultural value. Through this, the VFA strives to support their vision of healthy and sustainable fisheries for all Victorians.

Better Boating Victoria is a division of VFA and was established to make recreational boating cheaper, easier and more accessible for all Victorians. BBV oversees the reinvestment of boaters’ licence and registration fees through the Better Boating Fund while progressing the state’s biggest ever ramp construction program.

The Game Management Authority (GMA) is an independent statutory authority responsible for the regulation of game hunting in Victoria. The GMA regulates through education, research and enforcement to achieve responsible and sustainable game hunting in Victoria.

A range of popular, licensed hunting activities are available in Victoria. In 2019 recreational hunting was worth an estimated $356 million to the Victorian economy. The department plays a coordination and policy role for game hunting, working closely with the GMA, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and Parks Victoria.


Strategies and initiatives

Go Fishing Victoria

The Victorian Fisheries Authority is improving fishing opportunities across the state through the government’s Go Fishing Victoria Plan. This has involved record fish stocking, improved facilities and more fish cleaning tables, installation of artificial reefs and removing commercial netting from Port Phillip and the Gippsland Lakes to boost fishing opportunities and much more.

Traditional Owner Game Management Strategy

The development of the strategy was led by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations in collaboration with Traditional Owners and Victorian Government agencies. To read the strategy, visit: Game Hunting.

Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy

Better Boating Victoria developed the Victorian-first Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy to outline the infrastructure priorities throughout the state until 2030.The strategy was developed in consultation with boaters, industry and Ministerial Roundtable. The strategy is underpinned by annual Action Plans which guide the allocation of each year’s Better Boating Fund into programs and projects to improve recreational boating for all Victorians.


Fish stocking

The Victorian Fisheries Authority has stocked record-breaking numbers of fish in recent years including a huge 10 million fish during the 2022 stocking season. Fish are stocked to improve recreational fishing opportunities in lakes and rivers and help the recovery of threatened species such as trout cod and Macquarie perch. The annual regional consultative meetings (Vic Fish Stock) provide a forum for discussion on fish stocking regimes, fish population surveys and other related recreational fisheries management issues.

Overseeing the delivery of Better Boating projects & programs

Better Boating Victoria oversees the delivery of recreational boating projects and programs through the allocation of the Better Boating Fund.  The Better Boating Fund comprises of recreational boating registration and licence fees, which are reinvested into projects and programs across the state. The fund enables ramp upgrades, grants programs and boating education to be delivered as well as ensuring boaters can park and launch for free at all Victorian public boat ramps.

Grants, awards and scholarships

Recreational Fishing Grants Program

Every year the Victorian Government, through the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Account, reinvests Recreational Fishing Licence fees into projects to improve recreational fishing in Victoria. Since its inception in 2001, the program has funded over 600 projects, worth more than $21 million throughout Victoria.

For more information, visit: Recreational Fishing Grants Program.

Recreational Boating Structural Maintenance and Recreational Boating Access & Dredging Grants Program

The Victorian Government is reinvesting boaters’ licence and registration fees back into projects to improve access and facilities through the Recreational Boating Grants Program. Annual grants programs have been available to ramp managers to undertake dredging, improve access and conduct structural maintenance at their facilities.

Sustainable Hunting Grants

The Sustainable Hunting Grants are helping to promote responsible, safe and sustainable game hunting practices.

Divisional owners and entities

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