Priorities and initiatives
Priorities and initiatives
The department oversees a number of projects to drive economic development and job creation in Victoria. Projects are being delivered across the creative industries, employment, innovation, investment attraction and facilitation, regional development and small business, tourism, and trade. Some of our current priorities and initiatives are highlighted below.

Developing rural and regional Victoria
We are investing in and delivering a range of new programs and projects to support rural and regional Victoria to be an even better place to live, work, stay and play.

Digital economy
Victoria is home to one of the nation’s leading digital economies, supporting a vibrant digital technology sector that drives productivity and innovation.

Experience Victoria 2033
Experience Victoria 2033 is a strategic plan to shape the future of Victoria's visitor economy by 2033.

Yuma Yirramboi Strategy (Invest in Tomorrow)
Supporting the employment and economic prosperity of Aboriginal Victorians.

Economic and social value of Victoria's international education
Discover how Victroria's international education sector contributes to the state economy and social fabric.

Innovation in Victoria
We have a globally competitive research and innovation ecosystem and the Innovation Statement is a plan that will shape our future, keep our state at the forefront of innovation and create jobs now and for years to come.

Creative industries strategy
Victoria’s first creative industries strategy puts creativity at the forefront of the state’s future growth, prosperity and liveability, with more than $115 million in new funding.

Health technologies
A highly sought after destination for medical technology and pharmaceuticals R&D and manufacturing, Victoria is well placed to develop solutions to improve healthcare globally.