
The department's corporate publications and official communications will be published here when available.

Many of the department's other publications can be found on our websites, and with related information in the What we do section of this site.

You can also visit the Data.Vic website to access Victorian Government generated or owned data.

Annual report

The latest annual report outlines the department's work.

Strategic plan

The latest strategic plan outlines the department's priorities.

Organisation structure

The organisation structure outlines the department's groups, divisions and functions.

Victorian Jurisdictional Action Plan for Skills and TAFE 2024-25

This sets the vision for the state’s skills system and provides a roadmap to bring skills and employment system stakeholders together. The plan is part of the National Skills Agreement to strengthen Australia’s vocational education and training sector.

Financial reports

Guide to Good Governance and Portfolio Performance

The Guide to Good Governance and Portfolio Performance sets out expectations to help agencies to navigate their financial management, performance, risk, governance and integrity obligations.

Please email your enquiries to

Protective markings

View information on the protective markings applied to department documents.

Media releases

Ministerial media releases

Ministerial media releases can be found in the Media Centre.

Page last updated: 30 January 2025