

The department provides a series of programs and grants to support Victoria's sporting sector.

Sport and Recreation Victoria is dedicated to supporting Victoria's sport and recreation sector, while inspiring Victorians to get active. Sport and Recreation Victoria works collaboratively with the not-for-profit, private and government sectors to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians, build stronger and more connected communities, deliver economic growth and jobs and enhance liveability for all Victorians.

The Office of Women in Sport and Recreation works alongside Sport and Recreation Victoria to increase the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to senior leadership roles. The Office of Women in Sport and Recreation is leading the Change Our Game initiative, which encourages the sport and recreation sector to challenge gender stereotypes and help women and girls become leaders.


Strategies and initiatives

Active Victoria – A strategic framework for sport and recreation in Victoria 2022-2026

Active Victoria is our plan to strengthen the sport and recreation sector and boost participation. This blueprint will also guide future grant opportunities, initatives and partnerships.

Change Our Game

The Victorian Government is committed to increasing the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to leadership roles.

The Change Our Game initiative also aims to deliver on the nine recommendations outlined in the Inquiry into Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation.

Fair Play Code

The Fair Play Code sends a loud and clear message – that bad behaviour, violence, cheating and intimidation has no place in sport and recreation in our state.

Through the Fair Play Code we are making sure that individuals, clubs, leagues and associations know what to do if they encounter bad behaviour both on and off the sporting field.

Grants, awards and scholarships

Sport grants

Sport and Recreation Victoria provides a wide range of grants and funding programs to increase participation and maximise the economic and social benefits provided by sport and recreation to all Victorians.

Divisional owners and entities

Sport and Recreation

The Sport and Recreation branch oversees the work of Sport and Recreation Victoria. The branch provides policy, strategy, grants administration, investment development and industry support.

The Office of Women in Sport and Recreation

The Office of Women in Sport and Recreation works alongside the Sport and Recreation branch. The Office provides policy, strategy and industry support to increase the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to senior leadership roles.


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