Developing rural and regional Victoria

The department is investing in and delivering a range of additional new programs and projects to support rural and regional Victoria to be an even better place to live, work, stay and play.

In partnership with communities and industry, we will deliver these additional investments for rural and regional Victoria to deliver the things they have told us they need most.

Our investments mean more locals will have more jobs closer to home, more communities will have the infrastructure they need to thrive and more visitors can experience what our regions offer.

Aboriginal Economic Development Fund

Supporting Traditional Owner Corporations, Aboriginal business and employment programs and supporting Aboriginal cultural tourism initiatives.

Council Support Package

Helping councils in regional Victoria deliver more tourism, sporting and cultural opportunities for their communities.

All Abilities Sport Fund

Delivering infrastructure and programs to remove barriers to participation in sport and recreation for regional Victorians with a disability.

Regional Community Sport Development Fund (Infrastructure and Participation Programs)

Supporting more regional Victorian families and children to be physically active, including a focus on groups that experience greater barriers to participation such as women and girls, lower socio-economic status families and Aboriginal Victorians.

The fund aims to deliver new and upgraded community sports infrastructure.

Regional Worker Accommodation Fund

Increasing prosperity, opportunity, and liveability for regional communities. The fund will invest in housing, accommodation and related infrastructure that increases the supply of appropriate and affordable housing and accommodation for key workers and their families.

Tiny Towns Fund

The Tiny Towns Fund supports local communities in towns with a population of up to 5,000 people to deliver quality tourism and community facility projects.

Regional Tourism and Events Fund

Regional Events Fund

This includes a range of initiatives and programs to create more jobs, support our important tourism businesses and attract more visitors to experience the fabulous natural and other experiences on offer across rural and regional Victoria.

Our investment is supporting our regional towns to continue to offer the very best experiences, offer new and even better events, attractions and accommodation options for visitors.

Regional Sports Infrastructure Program

Delivering infrastructure refurbishments and upgrades to enhance sporting facilities.

Regional Development Victoria is the Victorian Government’s lead agency supporting regional economic development and works across government to champion and support our local communities to thrive.

Visit the Regional Development Victoria website for a full list of programs from across the department being delivered now.

Page last updated: 8 August 2024