Tourism and events


The department provides a series of programs and grants to support Victoria's visitor economy.

Tourism and Events is responsible for strengthening the profile of the visitor economy across government and influencing strategic reforms and economic outcomes for the sector.

Tourism and Events undertakes research and provides policy, strategy and industry development advice to the government and industry on the visitor economy. The group also provides governance support and advice to a number of entities that market the state, secure events, and manage large scale tourist attractions, precincts, facilities and entertainment venues in Victoria.


Strategies and initiatives

The Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan is a 4-year plan to help revitalise and grow Victorian tourism after the impacts of bushfires and the global pandemic.

Experience Victoria 2033 is a strategic plan that aims to shape the future of Victoria’s visitor economy over the next 10 years.


Industry crisis resources

The department has developed resources for the tourism industry that provide advice on how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis event and help counter negative publicity in the event of a crisis.

Tourism Project Facilitation

The Tourism Project Facilitation team offers expert advice and assistance to help identify opportunities for investment and support tourism projects that have potential to drive Victoria’s visitor economy. The team supports projects through all investment phases from testing the concept, preparing for investment, construction, delivery product launch and activation.

Delivery of the Tourism Infrastructure Program

The Tourism Infrastructure Program is a $310 million investment in tourism infrastructure across regional Victoria and has been developed to deliver a strong pipeline of demand-driving tourism infrastructure projects, with a focus on strengthening public infrastructure to enable private investment and to facilitate the development of new tourism products. The Program comprises three separate funds:

  • Flagship Projects
  • Regional Tourism Investment Fund (RTIF)
  • Enabling Tourism Fund (ETF)

Research and analysis

The Tourism and Events research unit collates and analyses a range of research and statistics relating to tourism in Victoria. Publications include domestic and international visitation and expenditure, the economic contribution of tourism, tourism forecasts and segment and market profiles. This information is provided to assist government, industry and investors to understand the trends and issues impacting the sector to enable better evidence-based decision making.

Economic Impact Assessments of the 2022 and 2023 Formula 1® Australian Grand Prix

In 2022 and 2023 Ernst & Young was commissioned to undertake an independent assessment of the economic impact of the 2022 and 2023 Formula 1® Australian Grand Prix.

The reports provide an estimate of the economic impact, full-time equivalent employment and other key variables that were generated by the event.

Download the full reports:

The accessible versions of the reports will be available soon.

Ticket scalping legislation

The Major Events Act 2009 protects fans from ticket scalpers by ensuring that tickets to major events are available for everyone. When the government declares an event as a major event, it becomes illegal to sell or advertise for resale tickets for more than 10 per cent above face value.

For more information, visit the Ticket Scalping website.

Tourism excellence

The tourism excellence guides have been designed to help tourism businesses and destinations get the best from their workforce, deliver the best possible visitor experience, grow tourism by working together, and ensure a sustainable industry.

Grants, awards and scholarships

Events funding

The Victorian Government provides funding for a range of business events, major events and regional events, through its tourism marketing and events company, Visit Victoria.

Tourism project facilitation

The Victorian Government provides a number of grants and programs for tourism businesses to support the delivery of Victoria’s renowned and varied tourism destinations.

Divisional owners and entities

Tourism and Events

Tourism and Events provides governance and strategic support for major Victorian tourism entities. The group oversees and manages the government’s relationship with these entities to ensure they deliver on strategic objectives and contribute significantly to Victoria’s visitor economy. Collectively, these entities play a key role in positioning Victoria as a world-leading tourism destination


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