Yuma Yirramboi Strategy (Invest in Tomorrow)
Yuma Yirramboi is the Victorian Government and Aboriginal Victorians' shared vision to generate greater individual and collective wealth for Aboriginal Victorians.
It’s a bold plan to address inequality and build Aboriginal economic parity within a generation. It sets high expectations and is built on strong and enduring partnerships with Aboriginal Victorians.
Aboriginal Victorians have worked with the government to develop the strategy. They will guide and inform the rollout of the strategy and monitor its progress.

Yuma Yirramboi in the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung language translates the strategy's theme of "Invest in Tomorrow".
We thank Aunty Gail Smith, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder and Dr Vicki Couzens, a Gunditjmara Keerray Woorroong woman, and members of the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council for providing a name that reflects a thriving Aboriginal economy and investment that supports this Strategy.
To read the strategy, view:
Yuma Yirramboi builds on the foundations laid by the Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy 2013-2020 and Tharama Bugheen: Victorian Aboriginal Business Strategy 2017-2021.
It celebrates the economic and entrepreneurial success of Aboriginal Victorians. It will ensure parity is considered in all government activities.
Yuma Yirramboi is underpinned by six strategic pillars: culture, people, business, wealth creation, jobs, and accountability.
Each pillar is essential to delivering parity to Aboriginal Victorians.
The pillars
Aboriginal culture, knowledge, and practice is vital for a thriving Aboriginal economy.
We will preserve and celebrate Aboriginal knowledge, cultural beliefs, and practices. We recognise their important contribution to the wellbeing of Aboriginal people.
Yuma Yirramboi will nurture a strong and ready talent pool of Aboriginal Victorians.
We will support all Aboriginal Victorians throughout their careers. We recognise their different skills, interests, and aspirations.
The Aboriginal business sector is the backbone of a strong Aboriginal economy. It creates jobs and careers, generates wealth, and contributes to the Australian economy.
The Victorian Aboriginal business sector is maturing. There is room for growth in size, scale, and diversity.
Yuma Yirramboi supports Aboriginal business growth and economic development. It takes a coordinated, consistent, and long-term approach.
We will support the sector to grow. We will do this through thriving markets and procurement targets. Working with strong Aboriginal communities, entrepreneurs, and Traditional Owners.
To create wealth, Aboriginal Victorians need greater access to land and water. Wealth is also created through Aboriginal culture, knowledge and practice.
Traditional Owners need more assets and resources to achieve greater economic success.
Yuma Yirramboi will grow Aboriginal ownership and create opportunities to generate wealth.
We will support strong and influential Traditional Owners. They will have the freedom to make economic and social development decisions.
Aboriginal Victorians should have the same opportunities to find and keep a job.
Yuma Yirramboi will promote direct employment with the Victorian Government, private and community sectors. We will achieve this through policy, targets, and incentives. We will generate jobs and support careers so Aboriginal Victorians reach employment parity.
We will track the progress of our commitments with regular and transparent reporting.
Yuma Yirramboi Council
The Yuma Yirramboi Council (the council) provides independent advice to government. The council helped develop Yuma Yirramboi.
The council includes Aboriginal experts (the Koori Caucus), and Victorian and Australian Government executives. They consider and agree on opportunities and issues affecting Aboriginal Victorian prosperity.
The council is co-chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions and the Chair of the Koori Caucus.
If you require the Yuma Yirramboi Strategy in an alternative format, or for more information on Aboriginal Economic Development in Victoria, contact: aed@ecodev.vic.gov.au
For more information on the Yuma Yirramboi Council, contact: yycsecretariat@ecodev.vic.gov.au
Language statement
We recognise the diversity of Aboriginal people living in Victoria. We use the term ‘Aboriginal Victorians’ to include Victorian Traditional Owners, clans, family groups, and all other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descendants living in Victoria. The term ‘Aboriginal community’ includes Traditional Owners, business owners and other community representatives.
Page last updated: 22 March 2023