Regional development
Regional Development Victoria (RDV) is the Victorian Government’s lead agency responsible for rural and regional economic development across the state.
RDV operates in partnership with regional businesses and communities, and all tiers of government to deliver the government’s regional development agenda and instigate positive change for rural and regional Victorians.
RDV is focused on enabling businesses to invest to consolidate and grow jobs, strengthen regional economies and enrich the social fabric of Victoria’s regional cities and towns.
Strategies and initiatives
Regional Economic Development Strategies
Victoria's Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) identify strategic directions to further drive growth and prosperity in regional Victoria. The REDS represent a new direction in Victoria’s regional economic development, recognising that each of region has unique strengths, challenges and opportunities.
The REDS provide a consistent evidence-based framework for each of Victoria's nine Regional Partnership regions.
They are complemented by nine interactive data dashboards, allowing stakeholders to interact with the data, conduct analysis and draw new insights.
Tiny Towns
The Tiny Towns Fund supports local communities of up to 5,000 people to deliver quality tourism and community facilities, such as splash parks and bike trails, playgrounds, community hall and library upgrades, public art projects and more.
Regional Council Support Package
The Council Support Package supports local councils across all our regions to invest in projects that will create long-lasting value for their communities.
Regional Worker Accommodation Fund
The Regional Worker Accommodation Fund provides new housing and accommodation for regional communities where workers in key industries and their families are struggling to find places to live. The fund supports employers to attract and retain workers by supporting projects that create more affordable housing and accommodation.
Geelong City Deal
The Geelong City Deal brings together all three levels of government with industry, the higher education sector and the community to support Geelong and the Great Ocean Road’s continued economic growth through a range of projects.
Regional Partnerships
There are 9 Regional Partnerships that give regional communities greater say about what matters to them and ensure their voices reach the heart of government. Partnerships help to increase collaboration between communities, industry, businesses and government to address the most important challenges and opportunities in each region.
Regional Development Australia
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a partnership between the Australian, state and territory and local governments to support the growth and development of Australia's regions.
There are 6 RDA committees in Victoria covering all parts of the state, consisting of Barwon South West, Gippsland, Grampians, Hume, Loddon Mallee and Melbourne.
Divisional owners and entities
- Regional Development Victoria is the government's lead agency to support economic development across rural and regional Victoria.
- Office of the Cross Border Commissioner