Training, skills and higher education


There has never been a more important time for making skills and training both accessible and focussed on job-ready skills for industry. Our purpose is to support economic and social prosperity across Victoria, by ensuring industry has access to skilled workers and that all Victorians have the knowledge, skills and attributes needed now and for the jobs of the future.

We do this by bringing our expertise to deliver skills-focussed responses to industry needs and ensure access to quality pre-accredited and accredited education and skills, with TAFE as the quality provider at the centre of the market.

Training, Skills and Higher Education is responsible for oversight of tertiary education in Victoria, including Vocational Education and Training (VET), higher education, adult education and lifelong learning.

It is our goal to:

  • Lift participation in training, skills and higher education
  • Instil higher level skills to achieve clean economy ambitions and foster the development of new production and services
  • Promote labour market mobility – portable skills that hold recognition and value across the labour market
  • Build awareness of higher learning as a credible, recognised and valued pathway, and ensure that learning is accessible to all.

Training, Skills and Higher Education is comprised of the following divisions:

Adult Community and Further Education

The Adult, Community and Further Education Division provides adult education in local community settings that supports learners to achieve their learning goals and is a critical piece of the higher education and training landscape. Changes to the skills system in Victoria has strengthened the quality and delivery of pre-accredited training to make sure learners develop the core skills they need to engage in further study and work, and to pursue pathways to employment.

For more information, visit: About the Adult, Community and Further Education Board.

Apprenticeships Victoria (AV)

Apprenticeships Victoria is an important element of the economic recovery agenda and the Victorian Government’s overall skills approach. As the apprenticeship system steward it aims to promote and improve pathways to the workforce, foster connections between employers and industry and increase quality, innovation and support across the broader apprenticeship system. The division has a particular focus on meeting the skills and jobs needs of major infrastructure projects through the Big Build Apprenticeship Program as well as ensuring effective safeguards for apprentices and trainees and driving innovation in apprenticeship programs.

Economic Recovery

The Economic Recovery Office oversees economic recovery programs largely delivered through Apprenticeships Victoria and the Higher Education and Workforce Division. Economic Recovery works closely with executives across the portfolio and the broader department as well as across government to support a partnership approach in delivering shared outcomes.

Higher Education and Workforce

The Higher Education and Workforce Division works in collaboration across government with industry and community to deliver skills focussed solutions that leverage the opportunities in the economy and drive improved workforce outcomes. Higher Education and Workforce supports workforce development across priority sectors and takes a skills lens to policy and program design across government. Higher Education and Workforce is responsible for the management of a range of grant programs, VET Training Products, Learner Pathways, delivery of the Victorian University Support Package, higher education policy, governance, and infrastructure responsibilities. Higher Education and Workforce leads collaboration with universities to deliver mutual economic and social outcomes.

Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD)

OTCD is the management and funding entity of the state’s TAFE Network comprising 12 independent TAFEs and 4 dual sector University TAFE providers. It is responsible for developing the overarching public provider strategy, policy, and planning, including providing advice to the minister on TAFE reform.

The TAFE Network Statement of Priorities (the Statement) is an annual agreement between the Minister for Skills and TAFE and Victoria’s TAFEs. Read more: TAFE Network Statement of Priorities.

TAFE and Training Line: Phone 131 823 between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays)

Policy and Strategy

Policy and Strategy Division (PSD) delivers policy and data insights and strategic projects; and manages the policy settings and budget for the accredited training system. PSD leads the Victorian policy positions and partnerships across jurisdictions to enable strong skills outcomes though the national VET system. The division influences and designs policy settings for Victorian VET to achieve goals for all learners including cohorts of focus, using different system levers.

Training Market Services

The Training Market Services Division promotes educational outcomes and Victoria’s economic recovery by supporting the VET market, contracting training providers and supporting programs aimed at improving student participation in VET from across the portfolio. Management of contracted registered training providers encompasses the oversight of quality subsidised training delivery at 12 TAFES, 4 dual sector University TAFE providers, and over 200 community, industry and private registered training organisations (RTOs).

Victorian Skills Authority (VSA)

The VSA’s purpose is to build strong, active connections between industry, training providers, government and communities, with the new Victorian Skills Plan providing data and insights to ensure the right skills are developed and ready at the right time.

For more information, visit: Victorian Skills Authority.


Strategies and initiatives

National Skills Agreement

Victoria has signed a five-year National Skills Agreement with the Australian Government, providing federal support to Victoria’s vocational education and training sector.

The Agreement will take effect from January 2024 and will ensure support for national skills priorities including gender equality, clean energy, care services and building Australia’s technological capabilities.

The Australian Government has committed up to $3.15 billion to expand and transform access to Victoria’s VET sector over the next five years.

Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023-2033

Victoria needs the right people and the right skills in place to support the state’s transition to a clean economy. The Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023-2033 Clean Economy Workforce Strategy 2022-2033 (PDF 1064.08 KB) PDF icon is a 10‑year planning and investment framework to prepare the state’s workforce for a net zero future. It provides a foundation for the training pathways needed to meet the growing demand for skills as Victoria moves towards net-zero emissions by 2045.

The strategy outlines five strategic priorities to drive the workforce transition, including a targeted skills model, flexible education and training, and enhanced workforce planning and attraction.

An accessible version of this document is currently not available and will be provided soon.

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