Freedom of Information Part II - Information Statements

For the benefit of members of the public, the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions releases a large amount of information through publication and direct service delivery.

The Information Statements listed on this page outline the functions of the department and provides a non-exhaustive list of information and documents that relate to the department’s functions.

To find a specific topic, conduct a full search of this site, view the site map or visit the specific departmental branch’s website.

  1. Organisation and functions
  2. Categories of documents
  3. Freedom of Information arrangements
  4. Publications
  5. Rules, policies and procedures
  6. Report literature

1. Organisation and functions

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions is firmly focused on driving a strong and resilient economy that benefits all Victorians – by creating more opportunities for people through jobs and skills; supporting businesses and industries to grow and prosper; and building vibrant communities and regions.

Established on 1 January 2023, our work spans numerous portfolios, supporting departmental ministers and operating across metropolitan, regional and international offices. We oversee various public entities, including public corporations, regulatory authorities and specialist boards.

A list is available here: DJSIR entities.

For more information on the department’s various work groups and the entities supported by the department, please see:

More detailed information relating to the department and its functions can be found on the Overview page and online publications such as the Annual Report and Strategic Plan.

For further information you can find contact details on our Contact us page. This includes how to contact us if you are deaf, have a hearing or speech impairment or phone translation and interpreting services for callers with limited English.

2. Categories of documents

The department creates and retains information and documents through delivery of its functions in accordance with record keeping requirements.

The department uses an Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) to classify, store, access and manage a broad range of electronic and hard copy documents.

Document types

The types of documents that the department hold:

  • Policies, procedures and standards
  • Briefings
  • Correspondence
  • Contracts and agreements
  • Meeting records
  • Financial records
  • People Management records
  • Registers (e.g. licensing or permits)
  • Reports and plans (e.g. annual reports, strategic plans, business plans or research)
  • Project management documentation
  • Grants and funding administration documentation
  • Licensing administration documentation
  • Photographs, images, and multimedia objects
  • Maps, geological maps, spatial datasets

3.  FOI arrangements

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) you have the right to request information and access documents about your personal affairs and the activities of the department.

The object of the FOI Act is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of the government.

FOI requests

A FOI request needs to be made in writing to the agency that holds the documents being requested. It should clearly describe the information or document you are seeking to access.  If we cannot clearly identify the information or document you are requesting, we will contact you to clarify the request.

Please visit the department’s FOI page for more information on how to make a FOI request.

For further information on the amount of the application fee and other charges, please see the costs section of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner website (

Before you make a request for access

You are encouraged to check if the information or document you are seeking is already publicly available such as in our annual report, policies and procedures, resources, or via

Members of the public can also write directly to the department seeking information on any aspect of its operations. Correspondence can be addressed to either the Secretary of the department or the director of the relevant business unit.

In addition, the public can provide comments via the feedback form on the department's website.

Where you cannot find the information or document you are seeking, we encourage you to contact us and ask if the information or document you are seeking is available or can be provided to you by email at

In many instances we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request for access.

4.  Publications

The department and its associated agencies produce a wide range of publications. Many of these documents can be found in the publications section of this website.

Additional departmental information, specified by Financial Reporting Direction 22C is available on request to relevant ministers, Members of Parliament and the public (subject to Freedom of Information requirements, if applicable).


Resource location

Publications produced by the department and associated agencies

Publications section of this and associated websites

List of additional information available on request

Appendices of the Annual Reports

5. Rules, policies and procedures

This section highlights a few of the many instances in which the department publishes internal rules, policies and procedures online.

Types of information that can be found on this site include:

  • Procedure manuals
  • Interpretations of governing statutes
  • Statements of policies and documents concerning methods of enforcing acts or schemes
  • Policies and procedures that govern our daily operations and support the administrative functions of the department.

If there are documents of this nature that are not currently available online, requests can be submitted directly to the relevant departmental business unit.

Examples are listed below.



Acts administered by/relevant to DJSIR

Legislation and Regulation

Regulatory standards

Ministerial Statements of Expectation


See relevant Program Area website here: What we do

Corporate policies

DJSIR Policy Framework

Privacy policies

6. Report literature

This section illustrates examples of where the department publishes final reports and records of decisions relating to policy.

Examples are listed below.

Page last updated: 6 August 2024