Strategies and initiatives
Aboriginal economic development
Yuma Yirramboi Strategy (Invest in Tomorrow)
This strategy aims to achieve equality and foster economic empowerment among Aboriginal Victorians within a generation. It sets high expectations and is built on strong and enduring partnerships with all Victorians.
Aboriginal Victorians have worked with the government to develop the strategy. They will guide and inform the rollout of the strategy and monitor its progress.
For more information, read the Yuma Yirramboi Strategy.
Cultural and creative economy
Creative State 2025 is the Victorian Government's strategy to strengthen and grow the state's creative industries and the value they bring to Victorians.
VICSCREEN, the Victorian Government’s first screen strategy in more than 10 years, is a transformational, whole-of-government plan to invigorate Victoria’s screen industry, create jobs, foster new talent and generate significant economic returns.
Employment and small business
Jobs Victoria services
Jobs Victoria Mentors help people to become work-ready, find a job that suits them, and support them in their role for the first six months.
Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centres help jobseekers, especially those living in or waiting for public and social housing, to find local training, work experience and jobs. They’re in Fitzroy, North Geelong, Gippsland, Ballarat and Shepparton.
The Youth Employment Scheme provides young people with an opportunity to work in the Victorian Public Service for 12 months while completing accredited training.
Social and microenterprises
The Victorian Government’s Social Enterprise Strategy aims to improve and expand Victoria’s social enterprise sector. The strategy is the first of its kind in Australia and aims to create more inclusive jobs and deliver enhanced economic and social value to the Victorian community.
Business Victoria services
Business Victoria offers a range of tools, grants, programs and support services for Victorian businesses to operate and build business capability, including:
The Business Planning Tool is a free and easy-to-use resource to help Victorian business owners set goals, plan next steps, track progress and learn new skills.
The Event Planner is a guided tool making it easier for small event and festival organisers by providing a centralised information hub with relevant resources and information for running safe and successful events.
The Small Business Support Toolkits Program offers localised workshops, live webinars, one-on-one confidential business advice and self-guided learning opportunities for established and emerging business owners.
The Small Business Bus travels around metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, helping small businesses develop ideas and capabilities. It offers resources and support through various government organisations as well as business assistance from expert advisers and financial business counselling through the Rural Financial Counselling Service.
Workplace wellbeing providing mental health and business wellbeing support for sole traders, small businesses and employees.
Other employment programs
Digital Jobs
The Digital Jobs program aims to build the state’s digital workforce by training and upskilling mid-career Victorians so they can transition into digital careers.
Industry, research and innovation
Innovation statement
We have a globally competitive research and innovation ecosystem and the Innovation Statement is a plan that will shape our future, keep our state at the forefront of innovation and create jobs now and for years to come.
Manufacturing statement
Read the Victorian Government’s priorities for advanced manufacturing, including attracting, and stimulating investment, and creating new jobs for Victoria:
- Made in Victoria 2030: Manufacturing Statement (PDF 3472.17 KB)
- Made in Victoria 2030: Manufacturing Statement (DOCX 527.81 KB)
Find out more via the Made in Victoria site.
Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre
The Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre (AMMC) supports the growth of medtech manufacturing in Victoria, creating new jobs, enhancing skills and increasing investment.
Breakthrough Victoria
Breakthrough Victoria provides long-term capital to innovation businesses that will improve people’s lives and benefit the Victorian economy.
Submit your pitch and read more at Breakthrough Victoria.
Cremorne Digital Hub
The Cremorne Digital Hub will support Cremorne's development into a vibrant centre for technology and innovation. This centre will build capacity and capabilities that will benefit manufacturing and our economy.
Find out more about the Cremorne Digital Hub.
Defence, aviation and aerospace
Victoria’s defence, aviation and aerospace sector supports exports of $350 million, employs 24,300 people, and accounts for 2.2 per cent of GSP.
Health technologies
Our health technologies sector is a global leader in research and manufacturing. The sector exports $3.5 billion in pharmaceuticals (more than 60 per cent of Australia’s pharmaceutical exports) and employs 31,400 people.
Investor migration and global talent attraction
The Victorian skilled and business migration program brings investment and jobs to Victoria through the attraction of investor and business migrants. The program also attracts high calibre global talent to meet Victoria's ongoing workforce needs in high priority occupations that cannot be accessed locally.
LaunchVic builds the capability and confidence of Victorians to create, scale and invest in startups.
Local Jobs First
The Victorian Government is the largest procurer of goods, services and construction works in the state, and through Local Jobs First uses its purchasing power to help develop local industries, create jobs and boost economic activity across Victoria.
Medical Research
Victoria is a world leader in cutting-edge health and medical research – driving growth in the sector, creating jobs and supporting incredible breakthroughs in treatment and care. Key initiatives include the Australian Institute for Infectious Disease, COVID-19 research and mRNA Victoria.
Victoria is home to 22 globally recognised medical research institutes. mRNA Victoria is focused on supporting the development of IP in key areas of need. This will help develop a strong pipeline of RNA research candidates and an ecosystem to support manufacturing.
Outdoor recreation
Go Fishing Victoria
The Victorian Fisheries Authority is improving fishing opportunities across the state through the government’s Go Fishing Victoria Plan. This has involved record fish stocking, improved facilities and more fish cleaning tables, installation of artificial reefs and removing commercial netting from Port Phillip and the Gippsland Lakes to boost fishing opportunities and much more.
Traditional Owner Game Management Strategy
The development of the strategy was led by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations in collaboration with Traditional Owners and Victorian Government agencies. To read the strategy, visit: Game Hunting.
Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy
Better Boating Victoria developed the Victorian-first Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy to outline the infrastructure priorities throughout the state until 2030.The strategy was developed in consultation with boaters, industry and Ministerial Roundtable. The strategy is underpinned by annual Action Plans which guide the allocation of each year’s Better Boating Fund into programs and projects to improve recreational boating for all Victorians.
Regional development
Regional Economic Development Strategies
Victoria's Regional Economic Development Strategies (REDS) identify strategic directions to further drive growth and prosperity in regional Victoria. The REDS represent a new direction in Victoria’s regional economic development, recognising that each of region has unique strengths, challenges and opportunities.
The REDS provide a consistent evidence-based framework for each of Victoria's nine Regional Partnership regions.
They are complemented by nine interactive data dashboards, allowing stakeholders to interact with the data, conduct analysis and draw new insights.
Tiny Towns
The Tiny Towns Fund supports local communities of up to 5,000 people to deliver quality tourism and community facilities, such as splash parks and bike trails, playgrounds, community hall and library upgrades, public art projects and more.
Regional Council Support Package
The Council Support Package supports local councils across all our regions to invest in projects that will create long-lasting value for their communities.
Regional Worker Accommodation Fund
The Regional Worker Accommodation Fund provides new housing and accommodation for regional communities where workers in key industries and their families are struggling to find places to live. The fund supports employers to attract and retain workers by supporting projects that create more affordable housing and accommodation.
Geelong City Deal
The Geelong City Deal brings together all three levels of government with industry, the higher education sector and the community to support Geelong and the Great Ocean Road’s continued economic growth through a range of projects.
Regional Partnerships
There are 9 Regional Partnerships that give regional communities greater say about what matters to them and ensure their voices reach the heart of government. Partnerships help to increase collaboration between communities, industry, businesses and government to address the most important challenges and opportunities in each region.
Regional Development Australia
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a partnership between the Australian, state and territory and local governments to support the growth and development of Australia's regions.
There are 6 RDA committees in Victoria covering all parts of the state, consisting of Barwon South West, Gippsland, Grampians, Hume, Loddon Mallee and Melbourne.
Active Victoria – A strategic framework for sport and recreation in Victoria 2022-2026
Active Victoria is our plan to strengthen the sport and recreation sector and boost participation. This blueprint will also guide future grant opportunities, initiatives and partnerships.
Change Our Game
The Victorian Government is committed to increasing the number of women and girls participating in sport and active recreation, from grassroots through to leadership roles.
The Change Our Game initiative also aims to deliver on the nine recommendations outlined in the Inquiry into Women and Girls in Sport and Active Recreation.
Fair Play Code
The Fair Play Code sends a loud and clear message – that bad behaviour, violence, cheating and intimidation has no place in sport and recreation in our state.
Through the Fair Play Code we are making sure that individuals, clubs, leagues and associations know what to do if they encounter bad behaviour both on and off the sporting field.
Tourism and events
Experience Victoria 2033 is a strategic plan that aims to shape the future of Victoria’s visitor economy over the next 10 years.
Trade and investment
Access Program
The Access Program offers export-related assistance and in-country expertise to Victorian exporters visiting overseas markets.
The Access Program aims to help Victorian exporters to forge new relationships with global partners, market their product or service more effectively and set up operations internationally.
Global Victoria Women
Global Victoria Women (GVw) empowers Victorian businesswomen to succeed internationally. GVw leverages our team's expertise and VGTI network to expand women's global networks, providing opportunities to enhance export capabilities, grow their organisations, and celebrate their achievements.
International Investment Strategy
The International Investment Strategy provides a blueprint to attract more international investment to Victoria.
The whole-of-government strategy focuses on attracting global companies from emerging and growth industries that are crucial to growing the state’s economy and creating jobs.
Page last updated: 2 February 2021