Advisory bodies

The department works with a range of ministerial advisory bodies across its portfolio areas of responsibility. It includes some of the following:

Creative state advisory board

The Creative state advisory board has been appointed to provide advice on aspects of strategy and implementation in support of Victoria's new Creative Industries Strategy, Creative State.

Defence Council Victoria

The Defence Council Victoria advises and guides the government on strategies and initiatives to develop and sustain unique capabilities within Victoria's defence industry. Its members represent a broad range of experience across defence operations, equipment acquisitions and business and commercial practice.

Invest Victoria advisory board

Members of the Invest Victoria advisory board assist Invest Victoria to deliver the goals identified in the International Investment Strategy, offering independent strategic advice on driving economic growth and creating high-skill, high-wage jobs in Victoria.

Regional development advisory committee

The Regional development advisory committee is an independent committee established to provide advice to the minister, undertake research and consult stakeholders on the development of rural and regional Victoria.

Victorian international education ministerial advisory roundtable

The Victorian international education ministerial advisory roundtable was established to provide a regular opportunity for international providers, peak bodies, student representatives and the state government to share information and discuss strategic issues related to the international education sector.

Yuma Yirramboi Council

Yuma Yirramboi is the Victorian Government and Aboriginal Victorians' shared vision to generate greater individual and collective wealth for Aboriginal Victorians. For infomration on the council, visit Yuma Yirramboi Strategy (Invest in Tomorrow).

Page last updated: 16 July 2024