Gifts, benefits and hospitality policy
The Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy outlines the department's position on responding to offers, and provision, of gifts, benefits and hospitality.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality register
The department's gifts, benefits and hospitality register includes offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality made to departmental staff with a value over $50, whether accepted or not.
DJSIR gifts, benefits and hospitality register
Previous gifts, benefits and hospitality registers
As a result of Machinery of Government changes, effective on 1 January 2023, the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) became the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR). Previous registers for both DJSIR and DJPR are available below.
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality register FY 2022-23 H2 Gifts, benefits and hospitality register FY 2022-23 H2 (DOCX 50.14 KB)
- Gifts, benefits and hospitality register FY 2022-23 H1 Gifts, benefits and hospitality register FY 2022-23 H1 (DOCX 50.95 KB)
Further information
For further information about our policy please email
Please note that this register contains details of offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality valued at $50 or more made to staff at the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.
It does not contain details of official business events.
Official business events relate to our core business activities and are attended by staff in their official departmental capacity in the normal course of their public duties. Attendance at these events provides a benefit to the department, Victorian Government or to the public, that can be clearly articulated and is proportionate to the cost of attendance.
For full details of gifts, benefits and hospitality and official business events, please see the policy or contact the Integrity Director via
Page last updated: 10 December 2024