Fair Jobs Code

From 1 September 2024 the Fair Jobs Code pre-assessment certificate is mandatory for all suppliers tendering for Victorian Government contracts over $1 million. For more information, see: Strengthening the Fair Jobs Code for fair and safe workplaces.

The Fair Jobs Code ensures suppliers and businesses benefiting from Victorian Government high value contracts and grants provide safe, secure and inclusive workplaces for their employees.

The Code require a pre-assessment certificate for:

  • suppliers bidding for procurement contracts worth $3 million or more (exclusive of GST) and
  • businesses applying for Victorian Government grants worth $500,000 or more (exclusive of GST) with a commitment to create jobs.

Suppliers tendering for high value procurement contracts worth $20 million or more and businesses who enter into a significant business expansion grant agreement, must also submit a Fair Jobs Code plan as part of the procurement or grant process.

The Code reinforces existing policy and legislative requirements and provides a streamlined approach for assessing compliance with industrial relations and workplace health and safety law through a pre-assessment certificate process.

Further information for departments and agencies can be found on the Buying for Victoria website.

When does the Fair Jobs Code apply from?

From 1 December 2022, all Victorian Government departments and agencies must apply the Code to tender processes (and subsequent procurement contracts) and grants.

Guidelines, templates and supporting information are available to explain the application of the Code.

Applications for pre-assessment certificate are now open at Fair Jobs Code: pre-assessment certificate.

Pre-assessment certificates

A pre-assessment certificate determines if a supplier or business has a history of compliance with existing industrial relations and workplace health and safety laws as specified under the Code.

A pre-assessment certificate is required for:

  • suppliers seeking to be considered for a Victorian Government procurement contract (including goods, services and construction works or services) worth $3 million or more
  • businesses seeking to be considered for a Victorian Government significant business expansion grant of $500,000 or more with a commitment to create jobs.

Pre-assessment certificates are valid for two years from the date of issue, unless otherwise specified in the Code. Pre-assessment certificates are renewable.


Suppliers and businesses that hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) can apply for a pre-assessment certificate.

Applications for a pre-assessment certificate can be made at any time. You do not need to have a specific tender or grant application in progress to apply.

How do I apply for a pre-assessment certificate?

Applications for Fair Jobs Code pre-assessment certificate are now open.

From 1 December 2022, applicable Victorian Government procurement and grants will only be awarded to suppliers and businesses holding a pre-assessment certificate.

Pre-assessment certificates are issued by the Fair Jobs Code Unit within the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.

For further information please call 13 22 15 or email fairjobscode@vic.gov.au

Apply now for a pre-assessment certificate

Assessing pre-assessment certificate applications

The Fair Jobs Code Unit will assess applications and issue pre-assessment certificate.

Assessments will consider all information provided by the supplier or business. A due diligence check of compliance with applicable employment, industrial relations and workplace health and safety laws, and regulations over the past three years will also be undertaken.

Applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application within 24 hours. The Fair Jobs Code Unit will aim to notify the supplier or business of the outcome of the pre-assessment certificate application within 30 business days of receiving a completed application.

If an application is incomplete or requires more information, applicants will be provided with a reasonable opportunity to provide further information or to comment prior to any decision being made by the Fair Jobs Code Unit.


If an application for a pre-assessment certificate is refused or revoked, the applicant may request a review by emailing the: fairjobscode@ecodev.vic.gov.au.

A senior Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions officer will be appointed to conduct an independent internal review.

When conducting an internal review, the officer will provide the applicant with a reasonable opportunity to provide any information or materials for consideration and a copy of the decision made.

Fair Jobs Code Plan

Suppliers tendering for high value procurement contracts, and businesses who enter into a significant business expansion grant agreement, must submit a Fair Jobs Code Plan as part of the procurement or grant process.

The Fair Jobs Code Plan outlines the approach suppliers and businesses will take towards industrial relations and occupational health and safety matters while delivering a procurement or grant agreement.

A Fair Jobs Code Plan is required:

  • when a supplier is submitting a tender for a procurement contract worth $20 million or more
  • within 12 months of a business entering into a significant business expansion grant agreement worth $500,000 or more with a commitment to create jobs.

Suppliers of construction works who are required to submit Project Development and Construction Management Plans may complete a Fair Jobs Code Plan Addendum instead of a Fair Jobs Code Plan.

Fair Jobs Code Plan templates are on the Buying for Victoria website - Fair Jobs Code tools and templates – suppliers and businesses:

  • Fair Jobs Code Plan template
  • Fair Jobs Code Plan Addendum template (for suppliers of construction works)

Fair Jobs Code Plans will be assessed by the contracting Victorian Government department or agency.


Complaints about a supplier or business

A person or their representative can make a complaint to the Fair Jobs Code Unit about a supplier or business that holds a pre-assessment certificate by completing the Fair Jobs Code Complaints about a Supplier Template.

The Fair Jobs Code and other procurement policies

The Fair Jobs Code, works with Local Jobs First, the Social Procurement Framework and the Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure businesses and suppliers put workers first, and by recognising and rewarding those who:

  • provide secure employment and fair work practices
  • operate sustainably, promote equality and diversity
  • and focus on creating local jobs and supporting local industry.

The collective impact of these initiatives will help drive ethical business behaviour, meaningful job opportunities and a thriving Victorian economy.

Contact us

To speak with a member of DJSIR’s Fair Jobs Code Unit, please email fairjobscode@ecodev.vic.gov.au or call 13 22 15.

To make a general complaint about a decision, action or service provided by the department in relation to your pre-assessment certificate, please visit the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions Complaints form.

Page last updated: 26 June 2024