Social Enterprise Strategy

A picture containing a woman smiling, holding a plate of food with shelves in the backgroundThe Victorian social enterprise sector is recognised as the largest and most dynamic in Australia.

What is a social enterprise?

Social enterprises are businesses that:

  • are led by an economic, social, cultural, or environmental mission consistent with a public or community benefit
  • derive a substantial portion of their income from trade
  • reinvest the majority of their profit/surplus in the fulfilment of their mission.

Source: Finding Australia’s Social Enterprise Sector Report 2016

Victorian Social Enterprise Strategy 2021-2025

The Victorian Government launched Australia’s first Social Enterprise Strategy in 2017.

Building on the strong foundation of the first strategy, the Social Enterprise Strategy 2021-2025 aims to grow the social enterprise sector, strengthen its connectivity, and unlock the potential to create more jobs and deliver enhanced economic and social value to the Victorian community.

Social enterprises make a valuable impact on the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of all Victorians, and the Strategy will enable them to continue supporting Victorian communities, especially focusing on people with barriers to inclusion, such as young people, women, Aboriginal Victorians, and people with disabilities.

A range of actions in the Strategy will be delivered across four key thematic areas:

  1. Building business skills and capability and capturing impact
  2. Enhancing recognition and access to innovative financing to scale impact
  3. Fostering a connected and innovative social enterprise ecosystem across Victoria
  4. Opening doors for social enterprises across government.

Implementing these themes and supporting actions will enhance the capability of social enterprises and provide greater opportunities for them to contribute to a more socially and economically inclusive Victoria.

Download the Strategy:

Download the Strategy Overview:

Victorian Social Enterprise Strategy 2021-2025: Strategy Introduction

This video introduces the Strategy, its four key themes and how it supports the long-term success of Victoria’s social enterprise sector. Read the video transcript.

Victorian Social Enterprise Strategy 2021-2025: Strategy Introduction

Messages from the social enterprise sector

Hear directly from social enterprises about their work and what they think about the Strategy. Read the video transcript.

Messages from the social enterprise sector

Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC)

The Victorian Social Enterprise Network (SENVIC) was established in 2018 as a key initiative of the first Strategy. This independent state-wide network connects social enterprises across Victoria, provides access to learning and development opportunities, and facilitates engagement with government, intermediaries and each other. The Victorian Government recognises the benefits state-wide coordination plays in strengthening the sector and has provided funding to stimulate knowledge creation, collaboration and innovation.

To find out more, please visit the SENVIC website.

Social Traders

Social Traders is an established intermediary and social enterprise procurement specialist. Social Traders provides certification of social enterprises and connections to business and government buyers, to grow the social enterprise marketplace. Victorian certified social enterprises are featured on the Social Traders public directory (Social Enterprise Finder), making it easy to find and buy from genuine social enterprises.

To find out more, please visit the Social Traders website.

Social Procurement Framework

The Social Procurement Framework was launched in 2018 and is a key initiative established from the first Social Enterprise Strategy. The Framework enables departments and agencies to deliver greater benefits from their procurement spend and has increased opportunities for social enterprises to supply goods and services to government.

To find out more, and see some examples of social procurement in action, please visit Buying Victoria: Social procurement - Victorian Government approach.

Purpose Precinct

The Purpose Precinct at the Queen Victoria Market is Australia’s first dedicated social enterprise precinct, with space for more than 100 social enterprises to sell their products, alongside an innovative kitchen space, supported employment pathways and networking opportunities.

To find out more, please visit Purpose Precinct.


SEEDkit is an innovative new platform for social enterprises to track and measure their impact, backed by the Victorian Government and run by the Centre of Social Impact at Swinburne University and the Melbourne Social Equity Institute.

To find out more, please visit SEEDKit.

Page last updated: 25 July 2024