Work and Learning Centres

Work and Learning Centres can help you find local training, work experience and jobs.

Who Work and Learning Centres help

Work and Learning Centres can help if you are looking for work, especially if you are:

  • living in or waiting for public and social housing, or
  • experiencing homelessness.

How Work and Learning Centres help

Work and Learning Centres can assist you by:

  • helping you with job applications and career development
  • helping you develop your own work and learning plan
  • providing advice on different ways to job search.

They can also connect you with:

  • local training opportunities, work experience and jobs
  • other support services if you need them, including:
    • health and mental health services
    • drug and alcohol support
    • childcare.

Find a Work and Learning Centre

There are five Centres, in Fitzroy, North Geelong, Morwell, Ballarat and Shepparton.

Centres are operated by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and other local community agencies.

You can visit your nearest Centre or email

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centre Melbourne Metro

Operated by the Brotherhood of St Laurence
95 Brunswick Street
Fitzroy Vic 3065
Phone: (03) 9288 9900

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centre Geelong

Operated by Northern Futures
10 – 14 Station Street
Norlane Vic 3214
Phone: (03) 5277 3519

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centre Gippsland

Operated by Community College Gippsland
1 Hoyle Street
Morwell Vic 3840
Phone: 0447 766 911

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centre Ballarat

Operated by Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre
Ballarat South Community Hub
11 Tuppen Drive
Sebastopol Vic 3356 (and various outreach locations)
Phone: (03) 5329 3273

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centre Shepparton

Operated by the Brotherhood of St Laurence
23 Alexandra Street
Mooroopna Vic 3629
Phone: 0490 120 245

Page last updated: 19 February 2025